Saturday, October 23, 2010

Dad's Visit 1

Dad came to visit to me since he was able to come down to California for work.  We met up around noon, and walked through the Claremont Colleges towards the village in order to find something for lunch.  To my surprise, the village was full of booths in some sort of street fair.  It was huge, maybe even bigger than the Fremont fair, at least the way I remember it.  After lunch, we walked around the fair to do some shopping.  I came across a great booth, which had a lot of beautiful steampunk jewelry.  Dad bought me one of the necklaces, which was great!

Made out of the pieces of an old pocket watch.
After we finished exploring the fair, we headed back to campus.  I showed Dad my dorm room, and then we left for Target.  I was in desperate need of some new food, so I stocked up so that I have a substantial supply which should last me a long time, hopefully until winter break.  Then, back to campus to drop off the food.  By this point, it was getting late into the evening.  We went to a nice Mexican restaurant, where I had some delicious flan!  Finally, back to campus for the night to finish up some homework before Sunday's excursions.  Ultimately a satisfying day, thanks Dad!

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you two had a great day! What a fun necklace; I love it.
