Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thanksgiving Dinner

In order to celebrate the holiday season here at Harvey Mudd College, the dinning hall held a massive Thanksgiving dinner.  They served turkey and roast beef, and all sorts of different trimmings (the stuffing was delicious)!  It seemed to be a huge event, and the lines for food ended up getting very long.  Then, there was a huge table of bread and cheese, and another separate table full of Thanksgiving desserts like apple pie and sweet potato pie.

All of the tables were set with paper place-mats and colored napkins to help perpetuate the holiday feeling. And in order to help with the communal, festive feeling, many of the main tables in the dinning room were rearranged to from longer areas to accommodate a larger more social setting.

But it was also very sweet. Overall, it felt very friendly and comfortable; something only a small school could do, and it was something that I know many of the other students appreciated.  The food was delicious and the setting festive.  It was a great experience!

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