Saturday, May 3, 2014

Tokyo Police Club

Last night Carling and I went to a Tokyo Police Club concert at the BellyUp Tavern in Solana Beach. The venue was really awesome and seemed like a great place to hang out. There was a lot of seating all around the edge of the stage, and an open space out front.

Carling and I sat off to the left of the stage, where we had a pretty good view of the band and both of the openers. Behind us, the wall was covered in weird concert posters, most of which appeared to be signed:

and over the bar hung a giant shark with glowing red eyes!

During the opening bands, Carling and I had a couple drinks from the bar (the show was 21+). She convinced me to have a not so terrible beer (but it wasn't great either):

Tokyo Police club was amazing live! They have so much energy and the crowd loved them, which made it a really awesome show! For the first encore song, the lead singer (David Monks) came out on stage all by himself, told the crowd to quiet down, and sang a whole song without the mic and without plugging in his guitar.  It was beyond impressive that he was able to get the crowd to cooperate for long enough to complete it. It was a very beautiful and moving piece to hear him play.

The drive to Solana Beach was pretty long, but it was definitely worth it to hear them play in such a great venue. I would love to go back to it someday, though I'm not sure when I'll be back in the area.

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