Wednesday, March 9, 2011


This half semester has been much busier than the first semester of college.  While it hardly seems possible, the amount of work has significantly increased which means less sleep and less free time.

However, not all the work is bad.  In fact, the last CS assignment was very enjoyable.  While the required work did not take a significant amount of time, the extra add ons were a lot of fun, and much more time consuming.

Yet, the result is definitely pleasing:

The point of the game is to eat the "spam" (this may seem weird, but it is almost an inside joke in the CS field at Mudd) by guiding the centipede about the screen.  One interesting options is the AI option, which causes the centipede to play the game autonomously, which can be selected using 'A'.

Also, I choose to add a large number of additional features which include:

1. Being able to change the difficulty of the game (by altering both speed and generation of spam).

2. Working through multiple levels (either automatically by eating spam, or by selecting them in the levels menu).

3. The capability to play against an enemy centipede (the yellow pede in the second image) or alone as selected in the game menu.

4. And finally, a help menu with various instructions on gameplay, such as which keys to use (IJKL).

If you would like to check it out and actually play the game, I have it running on my HMC site, linked to below:

Please enjoy!  And let me know what you think!

1 comment:

  1. Sweet!


    I wrote a multi-threaded application in ADA in college. Cats running away from a dog.
