Okay, I know I am supposed to update this thing every couple days. But that is so hard to do with everything being so busy. I promise I will try harder to update more often.
Now, the majority of my time is spent working on homework, which is not all that exciting. However, every class assigns it, and it is going to be pretty bad for the next couple weeks as the end of the half semester and a couple of my courses approaches.
The other part of my normal routine are the trips to the Hoch for meals. Unfortunately, the food is completely boring. There is always salad, pasta, and burgers, but this is very repetitive. Also, the food is not of any amazing quality or variety, so I am getting pretty sick of eating there. There is one meal that they serve which is delicious! 'Muddgolian' noodles - although the line is long, this would be one of the best things that they serve.
Next, an update on the more fun portions of the last week or so:
Thursday September 30, 2010:
The village of Claremont put on an event inviting all of the colleges to the village. There were a bunch of stores up that night which were giving out free food, promotions, or other fun stuff. It was sort of like trick-or-treating in that we walked around to each store collecting goodies. It was a lot of fun and there were a good number of people that went to the village to do it. The overall point was to introduce the stores in the village to the students. It was great because now I know a bit more about what kind of stuff is available and I know more about all the stores.
After this event, we had a dorm meeting, which really was not all that interesting. But following the meeting, as always, there was Thursday Night Dr. Who. I am really enjoying this show and it is great to hang out and watch it with other people in the dorm. Normally, the turn out is pretty small, with just a couple of the frosh and mentors. However, a lot of people came to this showing for some reason. It was crowded, but fun to have more of the dorm present.
Friday October 1, 2010:
In the evening, Katie invited me to join her and a bunch of people from a different dorm to play 'Milk Pong'. Earlier that day, that had gone out and purchased eight or so cartoons of milk and then took a bunch of cookies from the Hoch. A bunch of people came at the beginning, but since only four people can play at a time, people did not stay for very long. It was really fun to play though, however, I was pretty sick of milk by the time it was over.
After that, we went back to the dorm and watched some TV. However, it was late enough and everyone was exhausted from the heavy 'drinking' that we went to bed pretty early.
Monday October 4, 2010:
I was really excited because my new Woot shirt and my Threadless shirts came in the mail! From Woot, I got the cute penguin one with the bunny disguised as a penguin. I like it, it is super cute! The one I got from Threadless is really cool! It is the best rocket shirt I have ever seen, I love it!
From Threadless.com |
Then, that night I ended up hanging out with a bunch of my friends (who are also in Atwood). We stayed up pretty late watching Inglorious Bastards, which was fun even though the movie is definitely violent. It was great hanging out though (and nice since I generally finish my homework pretty early).
Tuesday October 5, 2010:
I slept in pretty late since I did not go to bed until about one o'clock. Besides homework and classes, I have not done a whole lot today. I went to the innertube waterpolo game, which was boring since there were not very many people attending, so it was a quiet game. But we won!
Also, today was the first day of Humans vs. Zombies. I am not actually playing, but it is hilarious to watch. There are people wandering all over campus with huge nerf guns and creepy together in packs for protection. I am dying to get some pictures of it, so I will post them once I do. It is so amusing, and apparently Mudd makes up the majority of the people around the 5Cs who are playing. It is good to know that the school is so intensely reading for a zombie invasion. I am sure it would be safe here, should a true apocalypse occur.
Now, I will watch some TV or something before bed. The days are going very quickly since there is always so much going on, which is crazy. I promise to post again soon.